If you’re ready to enter the world of blogging, you may still be a little confused on how to execute a proper plan. Blogging for those who aren’t familiar with the practice can be a little daunting and making sure you’re covering the right topics can certainly be overwhelming. Finding your voice in the blogosphere definitely takes a little bit of time, however, once you’ve found it, you will know how to run with it.
The nice thing about writing a blog post or maintaining a blog is that the tone is normally pretty casual. Of course, this depends entirely on your audience and who you’re hoping to reach, but it’s safe to say that your blog probably won’t read like a Ph.D. dissertation. That being said, make sure to have fun while doing it or blogging becomes more of chore than a great way to connect with your existing and potential clients.

Utilize these tips in order to blog effectively:
- Know what you’re talking about- This may be one of the most important takeaways from this Tuesday Tip. Always know what you’re writing about is accurate when publishing it online. Not only does this add credibility to your blog, it also ensures that you can actually write a substantial amount of content for your blog without having it turn into monotonous drivel.
- Stay within a certain length- Although a particular subject may call for a lengthy article, remember that your readers are here to read a quick blog. Blogs should be anywhere between 300-500 words in length. Again, this depends on the industry and the topic, but you’re certainly more in the realm of writing an article if your exceed a certain length.
- Keep it simple and fun to read- One of the purposes of blogging is to have that blog read and digested by your clients, peers, and admirers. That’s why it’s important to make it a fun and interesting thing to read. We recommend using lists, bullet points, or other ways to segment your content so that it’s easier to read and understand.
Whether you’re first starting out in the realm of blogging, or you’re a seasoned blogger with lots of experience, never lose sight of your purpose and your goal. If you’re gonna blog, then do it right!