Inbound Marketing Blog

“My Brain Can’t Brain”- Improving Your Productivity

Posted by Sarah Wai on Dec 5, 2015 5:00:00 PM

As a recent college graduate, I’ve found that one of the only downsides to “real life” is sitting in a chair all day. I found when I first started my job that when 2 o’clock rolled around, I’d realize “my brain can’t brain” anymore. I quickly realized that I couldn’t keep things as they were; otherwise, I would underutilize precious time by allowing myself to lose brain power. To combat this, I came up with a few ways to upset routine and allow the creative juices to keep flowing.

Reaching Millennials Through Media

Posted by Sarah Wai on Nov 30, 2015 5:00:00 PM

We are constantly hearing that the best way to reach Millennials is through media. While this is true, there isn't a cookie-cutter mold to go by to reach them. Many companies assume that simply showing up on social media platforms and popular apps is enough. This is just not the case. There is strategy involved, and this requires knowing how Millennials tick.

4 Email Habits to Practice for Business Success

Posted by Duncan Laney on Nov 19, 2015 11:30:37 AM

Email is a powerful tool for communication employed by nearly everyone. It helps us stay connected with family, send friends cat videos, get offers from our favorite companies, and maybe even get notifications from our place of business. The fact that it’s so prevalent and easy to use, can lull us into a false sense of security, especially if you depend on it for business. 

True Grit of Successful People

Posted by Mary Woolf on Oct 22, 2015 9:00:00 AM

We have a philosophy here at Tribute Media- client success is our top objective. When I meet with a client, I want to learn about them, their business, their business goals and objectives, and how we can assist in making those goals and objectives come to fruition. We do not take on an account unless we are confident we can help our client be successful. At times, that could mean turning someone away. In order to maintain the level of integrity that we all believe in at Tribute Media, we have determined that a few prospects would not be a good fit, and ultimately declined the opportunity to work with them.

Never Pay for People to Like Your Social Media

Posted by Nikki Wardle on Oct 20, 2015 9:47:04 AM

If you haven't ever used TripAdvisor, Yelp, or skimmed the reviews while shopping for products on Amazon...this article will be of no interest to you. But if you do, or better yet, if you're a business owner that is actively managing those review sites, you may want to read on. 

A little background first (for those who are not in the know): If you are a current business owner, say a restaurant, landscape company or Chiropractic clinic, then you automatically have a profile on Yelp, TripAdvisor, Google and many other review sites out there. And the reviews your customers are posting are starting to become a more significant part of the success of your business every year. 

5 Ways to Get People to Click (and Read) Content

Posted by Hannah Lacy on Oct 20, 2015 6:00:00 AM

After working in marketing for a little while, you start to think differently. The other night I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and saw an interesting article. Pause. Interesting article. What made it interesting? I had to stop and think about it, because I am my own audience, and if I know what interests my own brain, I can understand what interests my audience.

Business ROI on Kindness

Posted by Hannah Lacy on Oct 13, 2015 6:00:00 AM

The Internet is filled to the brim with opinions. Whether you're on Facebook, Twitter, LindedIn or even Instagram, you'll see it. Yesterday, I saw a nasty comment on a woman's Instagram post. She has lost over 60 pounds, and still has a lot more she wants to accomplish. Someone had an opinion about her and her progress photos, and unfortunately, he shared. "That is disqusting why are you posting this keep it to yourself, nasty!" was what she got to read after clicking on the little comment popup on her Instagram.

What Motivates Someone to Like Your Facebook Page?

Posted by Hannah Lacy on Sep 8, 2015 6:00:00 AM

Brands have entered the world of Facebook. You've probably hit "like" on a few of your favorites, or maybe on a friend's business. But why? Why do you like brands or not like them? Let's take a look at the statistics:

What are They Thinking?

According to Vertical Response, 87% of people do like a brand on Facebook. Out of these:

  • 82% think it's a good place to get in touch with or interact with brands
  • 35% feel like they're listened to by brand on Facebook
  • 75% for more connected to a brand they like on Facebook
  • 69% have liked a brand's page just because they saw a friend like it
  • 50% think the brand's Facebook page can be more useful than their website

What is a Hero Banner?

Posted by Corey Smith on Aug 29, 2015 8:17:33 PM

When building a new website, one of the most important aspects to consider is the hero banner. A hero banner is a large, prominently placed image or video that appears at the top of a website's homepage. It is the first thing that visitors see when they arrive at your site, and it plays a crucial role in setting the tone and establishing your brand identity.

The Keys to Good Facebook Cover Photos

Posted by Wally Narwhal on Aug 17, 2015 9:00:00 AM

First impressions matter. When people come to your Facebook business page, the first thing they'll see is your cover photo. Since it'll create that crucial first impression in the minds of potential customers, your photo needs to look its best.

Just the Right Size

"How do you do that?" you may ask. First, make sure it has the proper dimensions. Facebook cover photos should be 851 wide by 315 tall. You should also leave open space where your profile image overlays your cover photo.