Inbound Marketing Blog

Has Professional Integrity Really Gone the Way of the DoDo Bird?

Posted by Nikki Wardle on Apr 28, 2015 9:00:00 AM

During my many, many years as a professional in the work place, I often wonder in amazement at the complete disrespect and lack of integrity some businesses promote. When leaving elementary school for good, I naturally assumed the days of "liar, liar, pants on fire" were over. Alas, I was wrong.

Maybe everyone has forgotten what professional integrity mean. Lets review. Professional integrity can be best stated as the uncompromising adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character and honesty.

There's Something Funny Going on Here...

Posted by Hannah Lacy on Apr 28, 2015 6:00:00 AM

Many companies think humor is unprofessional and shouldn't be used in the workplace or when dealing with customers. Clearly, we disagree. If you have ever been in a strategy meeting with the Tribute Media staff, you likely had some good laughs. But when is humor too much, and how should you use it?

Link Building 101

Posted by Nikki Wardle on Apr 23, 2015 9:00:00 AM

A lot has changed since I got into link building a few years ago – link exchange is dead, ad banners are no longer all about gaining referral traffic, and buying links is more dangerous than ever before. Because of the changes mentioned and a whole load of others, the bulk of link builders don’t like to give away their secrets to sourcing links, even though it’s all pretty much the same at most agencies.

Is Google Ads Right for You? (Part I)

Posted by Nikki Wardle on Apr 14, 2015 3:17:00 PM

Deciding to run an online advertising campaign online is not a decision that should be taken lightly. There are 3 fundamental considerations. Are your customers online? Are they using Google as their search engine? (Okay, the answer to the second question is yes because everybody uses Google.)

Understanding Mobile Responsive Web Design

Posted by Corey Smith on Mar 26, 2015 10:14:00 AM

It was only a few years ago that I thought that mobile use of the web would require very little consideration. When the first iPhone was introduced, the ability to pinch and zoom made it possible to use the small screen to see elements on the page without difficulty.

With Google's algorithm updates in April 2015, mobile responsive is more than just a thing. It's critical to the success of your website in mobile search. You can't expect to be successful in your search engine optimization efforts without having a mobile friendly site.

Who is Your Buyer (Persona)?

Posted by Corey Smith on Mar 19, 2015 2:04:45 PM

Years ago I worked in the office equipment industry. The companies I worked for sold copiers and printers to businesses, organization, etc. During my tenure at my last copier company, HP rolled out a new copier line. They simply relabeled a line from Konica Minolta.

Our company decided to pick up this line and sell it.

It wasn't a very good copier line. Which is probably why the product line was scrapped after a short while.

I remember asking our rep, "Who is your target market?"

Back came the response, "We sell to small & medium business, departments in large businesses and large businesses."

"So," I said, "you sell to everyone?"

Some Do's and Don'ts of Blogging

Posted by Nikki Wardle on Mar 17, 2015 8:00:00 AM

There is a long, long, long list of do’s and don’ts of professional blogging. Writing in a blog is not very complex, but there are a few guidelines which should be respected as much as possible.


Create events to bring interactivity to your blog. You could for instance organize contests asking your readers to write posts and submit them to you so that you would give them an ability to be published on your blog. You could also ask your readers to vote for some of your articles. Contests like this would generate visits an increase reader loyalty.  

Stay Happy, Healthy and Keep the Creative Juices Flowing

Posted by Jessica Richards on Mar 13, 2015 9:00:00 AM

If you're sitting at your computer right now reading this article, you're doing some serious harm to your body...not moving. And to make it worse, it's not that you're just sitting still, it may also be the way you are sitting. Are you slouching? Is your head leaning forward over your torso? According to Physiology of the Joints, Volume Three; " For every inch your head moves forward, it gains ten pounds of weight as far as the muscles in your upper back and neck are concerned." OUCH!

Enter - awkard desk stretching exercises. These humbling workplace stretches can improve flexibility, reduce pain and relieve physical and mental stress. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, "physical activity- even for a short period of time- can improve your mood."

Revisiting Your Reviews

Posted by Hannah Lacy on Mar 10, 2015 6:00:00 AM

Maybe you're aware of reviews from customers, pilling up and not necessarily receiving attention. These customers have one thing or another that they would like to share, whether positive or negative. With the vast differences you can assume between these customers, what do they all have in common? They want to be heard. So how do you go about showing them that you're listening?

Everything You Need to Know About Embedding Videos on a Drupal website

Posted by Steve Kenley on Mar 6, 2015 7:00:00 AM

Often times, we would like to use videos to visually convey a thought or process. It might be easier to explain what you want to say using video footage, but embedding videos on your web page can seem like a difficult thing to do. On a Drupal site, it is actually quite simple.

The important thing to know is that Drupal makes it very simple as long as the video resides on an online video site, such as YouTube or Vimeo. Putting video files directly into the Drupal system will result in inconsistent results, depending on the users' software. Using YouTube or Vimeo, avoids those inconsistencies by providing an embed code for your video that can be placed directly into the code for your web page. The embed code will allow you to utilize the video site's player software to display the video, so everyone gets to see the video in the exact same format.