First impressions matter. When people come to your Facebook business page, the first thing they'll see is your cover photo. Since it'll create that crucial first impression in the minds of potential customers, your photo needs to look its best.
Just the Right Size
"How do you do that?" you may ask. First, make sure it has the proper dimensions. Facebook cover photos should be 851 wide by 315 tall. You should also leave open space where your profile image overlays your cover photo.
Keep It Simple, Keep It Safe
More often than not, simpler images make the best cover photos. A picture of your staff, your brand, your product or people connecting with your brand in some way are some good examples.
Also, Facebook has some rules regarding cover photos. If you break any of them, you risk getting your page suspended. Cover photos cannot include:
- More than 20% text
- Price or purchasing information
- References to Like, Share or any other Facebook features/actions
- Calls to action
- Contact info
Don't let customers pass you over. If you put some thought into your Facebook cover photo, you can help draw potential clients to you.