Does My Auto Repair Website Need A Blog?
Posted by Lindsey Bowshier on Mar 20, 2023 2:15:00 PM
As the president of a marketing agency, the most frequent objection I hear about blogging is “No one is going to go to my website to read my blog." And they're right. But that’s not how it works or why you blog.
It's not like the beginning of the internet days when people "followed" blogs (we have social media now) or when we had a handful websites we visited frequently as our source for the latest information on a topic (we have a search engine for that). The point of blogging is that every blog post is a page of content on your website, and every page of content on your website is another opportunity to rank with Google.
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Building Trust With Blogging
Blog content plays a critical role in building trust in the journey from prospect to customer. Now, we all know the best customers come from a word-of-mouth referral, but when someone can't find a friend or family member to recommend a trustworthy shop, where do you think they go next? Their good friend Google.
When someone searches Google for a service or asks a question, Google returns all the pages with related content. As potential customers research auto repair topics online, they’re looking for resources to help them make informed decisions. Sometimes they might even be researching how to do something themselves. That doesn't mean they won't be your customer. Sometimes they just need to read up on how do something to determine they have no interest (or business) doing so. Blog content provides valuable insights, tips, and advice that answers their questions and addresses their concerns. This helps to build trust with potential customers who are now more likely to do business with you: the company that provided helpful info when they needed it most.
Blogging Success Story
The traffic to the Naylor's Auto Repair website has gone up 120% just in this last year alone and the organic traffic (traffic from search engines) is accounting for 60% of that traffic! Naylor's traffic from Google searches has grown exponentially throughout the years and one of the biggest reasons is the content that we create in the form of blog posts!
As of this writing, in the last 30 days, of our top five most visited pages on Naylor's website, four of them our blog posts, the other is our homepage.
Content like this is what actually gets us found! Not only is the content we're creating for Naylor's driving significant traffic to the website, but is hopefully providing value to the person reading it. Since people are spending an average of 6 minutes on our blog post about Hybrid Vehicle Maintenance, it's safe to say we're addressing their original Google query.
Naylor’s Auto Repair continues to see blog posts convert website visitors into REAL customers at the shop. The goal is for the user to go from... Google Search > our blog post > find the answer they were looking for > go to the contact page to request an appointment.
Or at the very least, when they are ready to choose a shop, they'll think of Naylor's as that trusted resource they want to do business with.
Written by Lindsey Bowshier
Lindsey is the President of Tribute Media. Her degree is in English and Communication with an emphasis in Journalism, her background is in copywriting and content marketing, and she's had pretty much every job at Tribute Media since she joined the agency in 2014. Outside of work, Lindsey participates in a "super-cool-not-at-all-nerdy" writing group. Her favorite writer is Dorothy Parker.